Ava DuVernay’s compelling Netflix dramatization “When They See Us” has been viewed by more than 23 million accounts on the streaming platform, she announced on Twitter.

The chilling story of five Black and Latino boys, who were coerced into confessing to a brutal rape inside New York’s Central Park has been a hard-hitting reality check on the injustices handed down by the American court system after they were wrongly convicted in 1989.


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The “Central Park Five,” as they were called, had their sentences later vacated after DNA evidence proved another man was the actual culprit and he also ultimately confessed. Duvernay told the painful story from the perspective of the men for the miniseries which mustered up a national conversation that put much of the focus on former prosecutor Linda Fairstein who led the charge to put the teens behind bars.

Source: ‘When They See us’ viewed on 23 million accounts, Netflix confirms