Several weeks ago Childish Gambino’s hit “This Is America” landed online and took the world by storm. The single and video became an instant topic for conversation, a subject for analysis and a cultural moment dominating headlines.

In that time, there have been imitators but few have actually captured the political nuances Gambino infused in the original, until now. Nigerian artist Falz has taken “This Is America” and applied it to the social and political ills tearing apart his beloved nation.

“This Is Nigeria,” which was released by the rapper Friday, has delivered a biting critique of political corruption, money-grubbing pastors and the ongoing fight with Boko Haram.

The video — directed by Prodigeezy — has been getting dissected at this very moment in the same vein as Gambino’s hit.

The track starts off with a blunt intro letting people know what’s in store. His father, lawyer and human rights activist, Femi Falana does the voiceover in the beginning. Then, all hell breaks loose.

“This is Nigeria, look how I’m living now, look how I’m living now. Everybody be criminal,” Falz rhymes.

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Source: The Brutally Honest ‘This Is Nigeria’ Shows How A ‘This Is America’ Remake Should Be Done