On Thursday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a state grant of $3.75 million to be awarded to help the formation of The Universal Hip Hop Museum, which is planned to be completed in 2023.

According to CNN, the venue—co-founded by music executive Rocky Bucano, rap music legend Kurtis Blow and trailblazing deejay Grand Wizzard Theodore—aims to be the definitive archive dedicated to the preservation and celebration of hip-hop history and culture.

“We knew it was important because the Bronx is where hip-hop started,” Bucano, who serves at chairman and president, told the outlet. “It’s crazy to think of how hip-hop—which has such an influence on pop culture, advertising, politics—doesn’t have a place to call home.”

Source: The Bronx’s Universal Hip Hop Museum Awarded $3.75 Million From New York State