Darrius Simmons is a 15-year-old Warren, Ohio native who was born with just three fingers on his right hand and one finger on his left. He also has no bones beneath his knees.

In spite of his handicap, the piano prodigy made headlines earlier this year when he caught the attention of renowned Korean pianist, Yiruma. After watching Simmons play piano in person, Yiruma invited the teen to play on stage at Carnegie Hall, where he wowed spectators.


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Essence.com reports that Simmons is now slaying with the Warren G. Harding high school marching band. The sophomore hasn’t been able to march because he wears prosthetic legs, but the band director made sure there’s a spot for him playing the keyboard.

“It’s a new instrument for us, incorporating it in with the rest of the marching band,” said Reid Young, Warren G. Harding band director.

Source: Teen Prodigy With Prosthetics Shines in High School Marching Band