Kanye WestBen Carson and Diamond and Silk may still be backing President Trump, but reports that an increased number of Black people now favor him are flat out wrong, according to CNN host Ana Navarro-Cárdenas. 

On Tuesday, polls from Rasmussen Reports and Emerson College came out, which have been touted by conservative news outlets, and reportedly showed that one-third of Black people support Trump. Navarro-Cárdenas called the polls “zero” percent accurate, according to Newsweek.

The Rasmussen poll found that 34 percent of Black Americans support Trump nationwide. Emerson College Polling had similar results, showing 34.5 percent of support.


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Rasmussen Reports data also reportedly found that 53 percent of Black voters think the media are “trying to help impeach Trump” and this poll result compares to 60 percent of other minority groups feeling the same way, reported Newsweek.

Both polls tweeted poll results on social media to Trump, stating: “@realdonaldTrump daily approval is up,”

But Navarro-Cárdenas and others smell polling bias. Pollster Frank Luntz also took issue with the Rasmussen poll because of inherent bias and he cited past discrepancies from the firm about Black voters before the 2018 midterm elections.

“One week before the 2018 elections, Rasmussen had President Trump’s support among Black Americans at 40 percent. According to exit polls, only 8 percent of black voters nationwide voted for Republican candidates,” Luntz tweeted Monday, reminding disillusioned folks to beware of fake polls.

Source: Polls showing increased Black support for Trump is fake news, CNN host says
