Open racists are flooding the Republican party — key word being “open.” The Republicans have always had their racists, but for awhile they were a bit more undercover. Now they are swinging their racist flag and getting endorsements. Seth Grossman, GOP nominee in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, is a prime example.

The former Republican pundit has been endorsed by the The National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) despite making disgusting comments. In June, a video went viral of Grossman saying, “The whole idea of diversity is a bunch of crap and un-American” and “Diversity has become an excuse by Democrats — communists and socialists basically — to say that we’re not all created equal, that if somebody is lesser qualified, they will get a job anyway or they’ll get into college anyway because of the tribe that they’re with, what group, what box they fit into.”

Source: New Jersey GOP Candidate Said ‘Kwanzaa Is A Fake Holiday Made By Black Racists’