COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harrisannounced Thursday the rollout of a slate of endorsements in South Carolina, including one of its longest-serving black lawmakers.

The senator from California hopes the support will show her ability to reach broad sectors of the critical early-voting state.


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Harris’ campaign told The Associated Press that she is being endorsed by a trio of black legislators: state Reps. Pat Henegan and J.A. Moore and state Sen. Darrell Jackson. Also backing her campaign are former gubernatorial candidate Marguerite Willis and Berkeley County Democratic Chairwoman Melissa Watson.

Harris, who announced her candidacy in January , is among a sprawling field of Democratic presidential contenders building a base of support in South Carolina, which is home to the first primary in the South and is the first test of candidates’ appeal with a primarily black Democratic primary electorate. Last week, state Rep. John King became the first sitting lawmaker to make an official 2020 endorsement, announcing his support for Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey.

Source: Kamala Harris Lands Diverse Slate Of S Carolina Endorsements