On Dec. 3, Detective Blake Kilpatrick and other officers reportedly spotted 24-year-old Charles Toney outside of a home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Toney reportedly had a warrant out for his arrest for drugs and weapons-related charges. The police report accused him of having marijuana or a cigar, but they claim he threw away the blunt and it was not found.


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Toney was arrested and Time Free Press reports, “While he was handcuffed, Kilpatrick said, Toney kept trying to reach into his pockets despite being told to stop, according to the arrest report. Kilpatrick then took Toney to the ground. Officers then stood Toney back up after he said he couldn’t breathe.” Toney was then savagely beat, suffering a collapsed lung, broken nose, ribs and finger.

Source: Chattanooga Cop Caught On Video Savagely Beating Handcuffed Black Man
