On March 5, 1984, Ramona Brown, 3, and her family woke up the night before Mardi Gras to flames devouring their home. Little Ramona was believed to have died in the fire with her siblings. Now police say she might not have been in the house at all.

So, where is Ramona Brown?

The New Orleans Police Department said the night of the fire, Ramona’s parents, Johnnie Mae and Aubrey survived along with seven of her eight siblings. Unfortunately, 4-year-old Aubrey Jr. and 2-year-old Kevin were found dead among the rubble, the police said. However, firefighters said they don’t recall finding the remains of Ramona. NOPD Detective Lamar Lewis told the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children they didn’t even think she was at the house to begin with.

Now, the police and the organization have embarked on a search to find if Ramona is still alive. Their latest development is releasing images of what she may look like now, forty years later.

Source: A Plot Twist in the Mysterious Vanishing of A Black Toddler in New Orleans
