*Three Colorado police officers have been fired after they shared photos that mocked the death of Elijah McClain who was killed by members of the law enforcement last August.

We reported previously that McClain had been walking from a local convenience store when he was confronted by three white officers in August 2019. He reportedly explained that he was on his way home, but they accused him of acting strange, placed him in a chokehold, and pinned him to the ground.

McClain started vomiting and told the officers he was having difficulty breathing. He lost consciousness for 15 minutes and the officers called for assistance. Firefighters and an ambulance responded to the scene and pumped McClain with 500 milligrams of the drug ketamine in an attempt to sedate him, claiming he was in an agitated state.

McClain suffered a heart attack and fell into a coma. He was taken to a hospital where he was declared brain dead three days later. He was removed from life support on August 30, 2019.

We reported via CNN that the autopsy report for McClain has been changed to update the cause of death from “undetermined” to “complications of ketamine administration following forcible restraint,” Adams County Chief Coroner Monica Broncucia-Jordan said Friday.

The original autopsy report listed the cause of McClain’s death as “undetermined.”

“Simply put, this dosage of ketamine was too much for this individual and it resulted in an overdose, even though the blood ketamine level was consistent with a ‘therapeutic’ concentration,” CIna wrote. “I believe that Mr. McClain would most likely be alive but for the administration of ketamine.”

Source: Colorado Police Officers Fired After Mocking Death of Elijah McClain