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An MTA bus stops near the Brooklyn Queens Expressway and Atlantic Avenue intersection along the Long Island College Hospital campus on June 19, 2015, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. | Source: Robert Nickelsberg / Getty

In a twist, an unabashed supporter of former President Donald Trump was recently on the receiving end of a reportedly vicious beating instead of being the one handing it out.


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white woman in New York City claims that three Black women brutally attacked her earlier this month on a New York City bus after she said she had “love” for Trump, who is widely recognized for his decades of racist rhetoric and actions toward Black people, in particular.

Jill LeCroix told the New York Post she believes she was not only attacked because of her fondness for Trump but also primarily because of the color of her skin.

Initial reports indicated that at least one of the Black women said they “hate white people” after boarding the bus in the borough of Queens on July 9.

LeCroix said one of the women accused her, “You probably like Trump! Don’t you?”

LeCroix, who said she was the only white person on the bus, responded: “I love him.”

That’s when LeCroix said she first was hit by an object in an attack that left the 57-year-old grandmother bleeding from a “laceration” on her head.

LeCroix claimed one of the women “was saying she hates white people, the way they talk, hates white skin, the way their skin cracks.”

LeCroix added: “She said, ‘You’re going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve.’ It was crazy.”

Source: White Woman Beaten Up After Declaring ‘Love’ For Trump In Possible NYC Hate Crime, Cops Say
