I’m angry today. James Baldwin once said “that to be Black and conscious in America is to walk around in a constant state of rage.” And I get that. That’s why I’m glad our morning show is full of laughs and jokes and comedians. Because we have to somehow try our best to balance out all of the ugliness and foolishness we deal with on a daily basis in this country.

This weekend – armed with an AR-15 assault rifle, which is a weapon of war, created for soldiers of war, walked into a Waffle House in the middle of a community of color in Nashville, and began unloading his weapon on the beautiful men and women working and dining there in the restaurant. As you no-doubt have seen or heard, the gunman was then bravely confronted and stopped by a young brother named James Shaw, who literally burned his hand by grabbing the scorching hot muzzle of the gun, snatching it from the gunman, then forcing him out of the store.

But I need us to talk about four disturbing aspects of this gunman that really aren’t getting mainstream press attention.

For full story, select Source link.

Source: Shaun King: What We Know About The Waffle House Shooting