If you know anything about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, you know she’s not going to take an ignorant insult lying down. As a first-time candidate, Ocasio-Cortez pulled a major upset, ousting 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York’s 14th congressional district. She is a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist, and brings a new energy to the left, and our current system as a whole. 

Many republicans are having a hard time coming to terms with her win and rising support, especially because the word socialism is involved. One of these men, Florida Representative Ron DeSantis, decided he would add his voice to the crowd of opposed republicans.

“You look at this girl Ocasio-Cortez or whatever she is, I mean, she’s in a totally different universe, its basically socialism wrapped in ignorance.” DeSantis continued degrading Ocasio-Cortez’s platform, saying “Good Lord. She has no clue what she’s talking about.” DeSantis isn’t the first person to belittle Ocasio-Cortez, or her platform, but his choice in words, and sloppy identification of her gender and ethnicity, sets him apart from the rest.

Ocasio-Cortez responded in a tweet saying, “Rep DeSantis, it seems you’re confused as to ‘whatever I am’. I am a Puerto Rican woman. Its strange you don’t know what that is, given that ~75,000 Puerto Ricans have relocated to Florida in the 10 mos since Maria But I’m sure these new FL voters appreciate your comments!”

Source: https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/5949w8/ocasio-cortez-slams-gop-congressman-campaign-speech-comments?utm_source=vicefbus
