Revered Federal Judge Damon Keith died Sunday morning, April 28, at the age of 96.

Keith was best known for deciding cases that involved America’s toughest political and social issues over a tenure of five decades and 10 presidents. The cases during Keith’s career included school desegregation, government surveillance of citizens, and more.


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According to The Detroit News, Keith was a grandson of slaves, and leaves behind an indelible impact on the political landscape of the United States.

In 1970, Keith ruled on the desegregation of Pontiac, Michigan school district. The ruling led to the busing of Black students into the district from neighboring areas, sparking outrage. After his ruling, Keith was the recipient of death threats and ten school buses that transported the students to school were firebombed by the Ku Klux Klan.

Source: Iconic civil rights champion and federal judge Damon Keith dead at age 96