According to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, $20 bills featuring Harriet Tubman’s likeness won’t appear in circulation until 2028, years after Trump leaves office.

In keeping with Tubman’s character, her likeness has shown up unannounced, according to the Sun-Sentinel.

A few minutes after Mnuchin announced that Tubman’s likeness was pushed back until next decade, 33-year-old designer Dano Wall tweeted “we’ll see about that.”


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Wall has created a 3-D stamp which can be used to superimpose Tubman’s portrait over Andrew Jackson’s on $20 bills.

In April, Trump described Tubman’s addition as “political correctness,” suggesting she be added to the $2 bill.

“Andrew Jackson had a great history,” Trump said of the slaveowner President who offered “ten dollars extra” to slave catchers who whipped his runaway slaves. “and I think it’s very rough when you take somebody off the bill.”

Source: Harriet Tubman Showing Up on $20 Bills Thanks to New York-Based Designer