(CNN)Family and close friends will gather in Houston on Tuesday for the funeral of George Floyd, two weeks after he died at the hands of Minneapolis police officers.

The private funeral will take place at The Fountain of Praise Church at 11 a.m. local time. The service will also be live-streamed, said La’Torria Lemon, spokeswoman for Fort Bend Memorial Planning Center, the funeral home where Floyd’s visitation took place Monday. Thousands attended the visitation.
The service will be a celebration of Floyd’s life, Mia K. Wright, the co-pastor of The Fountain of Praise church, told CNN’s Don Lemon Monday night.
“We celebrate a life that had its ups and downs as many lives do but also a life that was connected to God and one that all people around the world have now connected to because of the tragedy and the trauma by which he passed,” Wright said.
“And so we want to have a home-going celebration, we want to remember his name,” she added.
Wright said the service will include multiple speakers — including civil rights leaders who will “have a call to justice, a call for social reform.”
“It is so important that we move forward from here from a place of healing and wholeness because if we expect change to happen in our community, we can’t come from anger and hurt and loss,” she said. “We have to learn how to move as a whole unit.”
Tuesday’s service will be limited to 500 people.

Source: George Floyd’s funeral will be live-streamed from Houston today