Man, white people aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. Which, I suppose, is a good thing, right? We should want the racists to expose themselves. Still, there’s something surreal seeing white people shamelessly indulging their racist beliefs. Take for instance Alabama state Rep. Will Dismukes (R-Prattville), who posted on Facebook that he had a “great time” celebrating the birthday of Confederate General and Ku Klux Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest.

According to AL, the Alabama Democratic Party has called on Dismukes to resign from office. This is the second time the party has called on Dismukes to resign, the first being in late June when Dismukes advocated for the state to continue funding the Confederate Memorial Park. Dismukes is a chaplain for the Prattville Dragoons, a chapter of the Sons of the Confederacy, and gave the invocation for the event, held at Fort Dixie in Selma, Ala. A picture posted by Dismukes shows him standing behind a podium with a Confederate flag and portrait of Forrest behind him.


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Alabama Democratic Party Executive Director Wade Perry has labeled Dismukes an “extremist” that is “unfit to hold office” as a result of the incident, AL notes. “Will Dismukes has demonstrated yet again why he is unfit to hold public office. Americans don’t celebrate racists or traitors. Nathan Bedford Forrest was both. And a founder of the Klan. The Alabama Democratic Party renews our call for Dismukes to resign. It’s 2020 and it’s time for racial extremists like Will Dismukes to go away,” Perry said in a statement.

Alabama Republican Party Chairwoman Terry Lathan has said that it should be up to the voters to decide what happens to Dismukes while also condemning the post. “It is one thing to honor one’s Southern heritage, however, it is completely another issue to specifically commemorate the leader of an organization with an indisputable history of unconscionable actions and atrocities toward African-Americans,” Lathan said.

Source: Calls Grow for Republican Alabama State Representative to Resign After Celebrating the Birthday of KKK Leader