White privilege is defined as “inherent advantages possessed by a White person on the basis of their race in a society characterized by racial inequality and injustice.”

Kelsey Kennedy, founder of the small, woman-owned CBD brand, Blossom and Stone, acknowledges being a White woman who has enjoyed a privileged life.

Protests across the country over the senseless police murders of Black men and women in what has been called a racial reckoning in America has not gone unnoticed by Kennedy.

Born and raised in South Orange County, California she said her family never talked about race when she was growing up.


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“These last few months have been an eye-opening experience for me. While I always knew of my white privilege on a surface level, I don’t think I fully understood the depths of it until this year. While I can’t erase it, I can try and use it to help showcase and promote voices, perspectives, and opinions that are different from my own. Witnessing so many of my former favorite brands have their true colors exposed as a consequence of the Black Lives Matter movement, I knew that I wanted Blossom & Stone to be better from the start,” Kennedy told EURweb.com.

Her Los Angeles based company launched in Spring 2020 is looking to diversify their point of view by welcoming BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) and LGBTQ+ writers, photographers, and content creators onto the Blossom and Stone team with a 6-month program.

Source: Black Lives Matter Eye Opener for Admitted Businesswoman of White Privilege