In addition to dealing with a deadly global pandemic, 2020 for Black people also including many of us fighting for our right to be treated equal following many unnecessary deaths at the hands of police departments across the state.

Famed TV Judge Greg Mathis, also real-life former judge of Michigan’s 36th District Court, made a bold claim recently against many Black men in America who he feels were lacking on the frontlines of Black Lives Matter protests while instead killing each other at alarming rates.


During his acceptance speech while being honored at the EMG Foundation in his hometown of Detroit last week, Mathis used his time on the mic to make a strong assertion, stating, “The majority of the Black Lives Matter Marches were Black women and white kids while our Black men sat back and killed each other.” He went on to elaborate by adding, “Falling into this trap that they have set for us by failing us in our education systems, bringing in guns and sending out the jobs. And you chumps are going for it like a bunch of suckers — and you’re supposed to be cool? You’re supposed to be the man? Nah, you ain’t no man! You’re a punk until you stand up and fight for your women.”

The passion in his delivery would make a stranger confuse him for a pastor, and his conviction definitely had a spiritual resonation given his plea for us to do better as a race and gender entirely.

Mathis isn’t entirely surprising in his strong delivery, especially those who watch him deliver verdicts with zero filter regularly on his Emmy-winning courtroom series Judge Mathis. The nationally-syndicated show has been on air since 1999, entering its record-breaking 23rd season earlier this year. His E! docu-series, Mathis Family Matters, also shows off his loving family, including a handful of powerful Black women that we’re certain drive his passion to protect melanated sisters everywhere.

Source: Judge Mathis Says Black Men Lacked In BLM Marches, Instead “Sat Back And Killed Each Other”
