The news comes as the Pentagon confirmed that it had approved a request Tuesday night from the Department of Homeland Security to authorize and fund an additional 1,000 National Guard troops to be deployed in support of CPB agents on border. Those National Guard forces will be under the command of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas.

“Active duty DOD military personnel are assisting Customs and Border Protection agents in CBP facilities by periodically monitoring migrant well-being, and reporting suspicious, violent, or medically related unresponsive behavior,” one of the officials told CNN.


Little Known Black History Fact: Marian Spencer


If they observe such activity, US troops are then supposed to notify CBP personnel who would take over the handling of the situation from that point.

The new welfare role for troops marks a departure from their original mission on the border and is raising questions about the nature of the military’s role as the Trump administration faces criticism about the conditions of the facilities migrants are being housed in.

Source: Troops on the southern border carrying out ‘welfare checks’ on detained migrants
