“I always say that if I were not a celebrity, I’d be invisible” said Viola Davis as she sat across from NPR’s Audie Cornish.

The Emmy, the Tony and the Academy Award-winning actress is a black woman from South Carolina. Her father trained horses and her mother was a maid. The harsh reality is, if not for her celebrity, Viola Davis would likely be unseen and forgotten.


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The theme that Davis is tapping into is the invisibility of black women; an experience of black women being overlooked and forgotten. Sadly, this invisibility is somewhat pervasive and occurs in Hollywood, the board room, the newsroom. The world. But this invisibility isn’t exclusive to our accomplishments; it includes our beauty and femininity—how we are treated, and whether we are supported. Or not.

Source: Viola Davis: ‘If I were not a celebrity, I’d be invisible’